All orders are processed no later than 14 working days from the date of your purchase.
We need few days more than the average because we produce your items only for you and only when you decide to buy them, in this way we can pay much more attention to details and without overproduction we remain environmentally conscious.
We produce everything in Italy with ethically responsible suppliers.
Don't worry because we will always keep you updated by email about the status of your order and if you have any doubts ... you can always write to us in the Contact Us section!
Delivery times:
The estimated time to receive the goods from the moment we put them in our shipping company’s hands is 2/3 working days for Italy and usually up to 5 working days for most of the countries in the world, however the final handling to your doorstep really depends on your local post.
We are very fast to deliver your goods till your border, afterwards each country’s national post has different lead times. If your country’s post is fast, then you will most probably receive your order in 3/4 working days.
For orders requested during the month of August there may be delays up to 10 working days on the shipment of your order; these delays are closely linked to the natural summer closure of some of our suppliers.
Your shirts are produced specifically for you, so don't worry, once back our first thought will be shipping them as soon as possible and if not before, in any case within the above mentioned times.
Don't worry because we will always keep you updated by email about the status of your order and if you have any doubts ... you can always write to us in the Contact Us section!
Uztzu Staff